I've found Willis on the 1906-1907 edition of Who's Who in the Far East. Here I'll put the retyped article, with notes at the end.
Who's Who in the Far East 1906-7, June.
Hongkong: China Mail, 1906.
WHITNEY, Dr. Willis Norton(TOKYO), M.D., M.R.C.S., Eng. [*1],L.R.C.P., Lond.
[*2] ; Doctor of Medicine and Ophthalmic Surgeon; b. Oct. 18, 1855, at Newark, N.J., U.S.A.; s. of William C. Whitney [*3] M.A.; m. Dec. 29, 1885, Mary C. d. of J. Bevan Braithwaite [*4], Barrister, of Lond. Educ.: University, Tokyo; University, Penna; Lond. Hosp. Accompanied parents to Japan in 1875; studied medicine at Tokyo University; teacher of Eng. Physiology and Chemistry, Middle Normal School, Kanagawa [sic *5]; founder and Foreign Director, Akasaka Eye and General Hosp., Tokyo, 1886 to date; United States Interpreter of Legation, Tokyo, 1883-95; Vice-Pres., Soc. for Advancement of Med. Science in Japan, 1898 to 1906. Publications: Thesis: Blood Changes in Erysipelas, 1881 [*6]; Dictionary, roads, chief towns, etc. of Japan, with statistical appendix, 1885 [*7]; Notes on the Medical History of Japan, Asiatic Soc. Trans., 1885 [*8]; Index of Chinese Characters in Hepburn's Diet, of Japanese, 1888 [*9] ; Editorials in English part of Sei I Kwai Med. Jour. [*10]; correspondence and contributions from Japan to Phila. “Med. Times”; New York “Med. Record,” [*11] etc. Address: Akasaka Eye and Gen. Hosp., 17, Hikawa-cho, Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan.
[ Notes by the editor ]
*1 M.R.C.S., Eng. = Member Royal College of Surgeons of England. (cf. The Lancet, 27 Feb. 1904., p.621) His M.R.C.S. title was also shown in the Directory 1908:
17 Hikawa-cho, Akasaka,
Telephone Shimbashi 4384
Director and Ophthalmic Surgeon -
W. N. Whitney, M.D., M.R.C.S.
Lady Supt. - Miss J. Harrison
*2 L.R.C.P., Lond. = Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London.*3 William Cogswell Whitney (1825-1882), Book-keeping teacher
一橋大学図書館「複式簿記がやってきた! 明治初期簿記導入史と商法講習所」 http://www.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/service/tenji/k15/whitney.html
*4 His wife, Mary Caroline (1857-1935) was daughter of Joseph Bevan Braithwaite ( 1818-1905), leading English Quaker minister.
[family trees] http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=DESC&db=charles681&id=I1662
*5 Not Kanagawa, but Kanazawa is correct. He worked as a teacher from August 1878 to July 1879 (11 months) at 石川県中学師範学校(金沢大学の前身 one of predecessors of Kanazawa University).
*6 This was his ‘Inaugural Thesis,’ University of Pennsylvania. (Inaugural thesis was a term of the times. The first thesis after he was awarded the degree of doctor of medicine.) He sent an enlarged edition 'Notes on the Blood-Changes in Erysipelas' to Philadelphia Medical Times in 1883.
See http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015070230852;view=1up;seq=424
Incidentally, Willis revised a Japanese translation of The Methodical Examination of the Eye, by William Lang (1852-1937), published in 1895. Both of the original book and the translation can read on the internet.
『眼科診断法』ラング 著、ホイトニー 閲、園部彦長 訳、丸善 1903.10
*7 A Concise Dictionary of the Principal Roads, Chief Towns and Villages of Japan, Tokyo : London : Z.P. Maruya & Co. ; Trubner & Co., 1889 『日本における主要道路、主要都市、郵便局簡易辞典』
*8 'Notes on the History of Medical Progress in Japan', Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. XII, Yokohama: R. Meiklejohn & Co., 1885. 『日本医学史』
Asiatic Society of Japan 日本アジア協会 http://www.asjapan.org/web.php/about/history
*9 Index of Chinese Characters in Hepburn's Dictionary arranged according to their radicals, Tokyo: Z.P. Maruya & Co., 1888. 『平文氏著 語林集成 漢字索引』(『ヘボン辞典の漢字索引』)
明治学院大学図書館 http://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/mgda/waei/sakuin/
*10 成医会〔成醫會〕 Sei-I-Kwai(現慈恵医大の前身)
Medical Journal Tokyo http://ir.jikei.ac.jp/handle/10328/1526
*11 Philadelphia Medical Times. Willis' earliest contribution was ‘Kakké: A Disease of Japan’ on 3 Dec. 1881, p.137 (http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=hvd.32044102970233;view=1up;seq=143).
I've found no contribution by Willis yet at Medical Record, New York, 1881-1911.
Notes end.
I've found another Who's Who with content very similar to the above book.
A copied article, with the same misspelling and a new typographic error. What a pity it was the 1913 edition - he left Japan on April 1911 with his family and never came back.
Images are cut out and processed by the editor.
Thanks for the those prepared the original data on the net.
Last updated 17 Jan. 2015
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