Willis was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania(ペンシルベニア大学, ペンシルヴェニア大学).
General Alumni Catalogue of the University of Pennsylvania, 1922
His alumni who lived in Japan gave him a farewell party on April 1911.
The Alumni Register of the University of Pennsylvania,
Vol. XIII, No.2, June 1911, p.61.
By invitation of the secretaries of the Alumni Association of the university of Pennsylvania in Japan some fourteen persons assembled in the Seiyoke Tsukiji [*] on April 5th at 6 o'clock. This meeting was held to bid farewell to Willis Norton Whitney, M. D., '81 Penna., M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. Vice-President of the Association, who is about to return to the United States and England after some twenty-one years of uninterrupted service.President, Baron K. Iwasaki; Vice-President, Henry Scott Jefferys, '79 C,; Recording Secretary, Y. Kinoshita; Corresponding Secretary, T. 0kumura; Treasurer, Y. Sakai.On the initiative of the President, Mr. T. Imadate, '78, the following statement was given to Dr. Whitney signed by all present.“At a meeting of the Alumni Association of the University of Pennsylvania in Japan, held this day, April 5th, 1911, in Tokyo, it was unanimously resolved to delegate Doctor Wills Norton Whitney '81, who is now returning to Philadelphia, with a view to the strengthening of the long existing friendship between the two nations, to ask the authorities of the University to grant one or more scholarships to Japanese students.”(Signed)T. Imadate, President.Y. Kinoshita, Cor. Secretary.J. Ito.T. Okumura.T. Sugiura.S. Tateishi.K. Takagi, (Baron).Y. Sakai, Rec. Secretary.Allen K. Faust.Joseph S. Motoda.K. Ozaki.R. Takagi.H. S. Jefferys.Mr. S. Yasukawa sent a telegram from Kidshu [sic. Kyushu is correct] regretting his inability to be present.The Association now numbers fifty-one members.
[ Notes by the editor ]
* Tukiji Seiyo-ken (築地精養軒)was the first Western food restaurant in Japan, opened in April 1872. After burnt down by the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, only their branch Ueno Seiyo-ken (opened 1876) is continuing business.
Now I try to analyze names of alumni. See the following image, with numbering on the names.
All of them were found on General Alumni Catalogue or The Alumni Register of the University of Pennsylvania. Some of names were wrongly written.
1. IWASAKI Hisaya 岩崎久弥 1865-1955 / The third commander of Mitsubishi Zaibatsu (三菱財閥 a financial clique or group, or company syndicate). Created Baron in 1893.
Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Garden (旧岩崎邸庭園) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyu-Iwasaki-tei_Garden
2. Henry Scott Jefferys H・S・ジェフリース 1853-1920 / Missionary of Episcopal Church, USA. Worked in Maebashi and Sendai, etc. Obituary: The Japan Christian Year Book 1921, pp.305-06. (https://archive.org/stream/japanchristian19unknuoft/#page/304/mode/2up)
Sometimes his name was wrongly spelled. Not Jeffreys but Jefferys is correct.
3. KINOSHITA Toshio 木下淑夫 1874-1923 / Official of the Railway Board 鉄道院. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9C%A8%E4%B8%8B%E6%B7%91%E5%A4%AB
4. OKUMURA Tsurukichi 奥村鶴吉 1881-1959 / Dental surgeon.
5. SAKAI Yunosuke 酒井祐之助 1874-1935 / Architect.
6. IMADATE Tosui 今立吐酔 1855-1931 / Principal of the school, etc.
7. ITO Jujiro 伊藤重治郎 1878-1964 Professor of Waseda University 早稲田大学.
8. SUGIURA Teijiro 杉浦貞二郎 1870-1947 / Ex-theologian, professor of the Military College. https://kotobank.jp/word/%E6%9D%89%E6%B5%A6%E8%B2%9E%E4%BA%8C%E9%83%8E-83506
9. TATEISHI Sajiro 立石佐次郎 / Trader.
10. TAKAKI Kanehiro 高木兼寛 1849-1920 / Naval physician. Created Baron in 1905. Founded the Sei I Kwai medical society [成医会] in 1881.
11. Rev. Allen Klein Faust アレン・リライン・ファウスト 1869-1953 / Missionary and educator of Reformed Church in the United States. The sixth president of Miyagi College [現・宮城学院女子大学], Sendai.
Obituary : The Japan Christian Year Book 1956, p.43. (https://archive.org/stream/japanchristian45unknuoft#page/42/mode/2up)
12. Rev. MOTODA Joseph Sakunoshin 元田作之進 1862-1928 / Anglican priest, first Japanese bishop of Nippon Sei Ko Kwai [日本聖公会 Anglican Church in Japan], first president of Rikkyo University 立教大学.
13. OZAKI Marezo 尾崎稀三 / Dentist.
14. TAKAGI Ryukichi 高木隆吉 1886-1962 / Businessman. 三井銀行ニューヨーク支店長, 鐘紡取締役を歴任。逝去時は鐘淵デイゼル会長。
15. YASUKAWA Seizaburo 安川清三郎 1877-1936 / Man of business, established Meiji Mining Co. [明治鉱業] in Kyusyu.
*Special thanks for 中井けやきさん けやきのブログⅡ 2009年11月 3日 (火) ペンシルバニア大学、明治日本の「同窓会名簿」
Images are cut out and processed by the editor.
Thanks for the those prepared the original data on the net.
1. IWASAKI Hisaya 岩崎久弥 1865-1955 / The third commander of Mitsubishi Zaibatsu (三菱財閥 a financial clique or group, or company syndicate). Created Baron in 1893.
Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Garden (旧岩崎邸庭園) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyu-Iwasaki-tei_Garden
2. Henry Scott Jefferys H・S・ジェフリース 1853-1920 / Missionary of Episcopal Church, USA. Worked in Maebashi and Sendai, etc. Obituary: The Japan Christian Year Book 1921, pp.305-06. (https://archive.org/stream/japanchristian19unknuoft/#page/304/mode/2up)
Sometimes his name was wrongly spelled. Not Jeffreys but Jefferys is correct.
3. KINOSHITA Toshio 木下淑夫 1874-1923 / Official of the Railway Board 鉄道院. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9C%A8%E4%B8%8B%E6%B7%91%E5%A4%AB
4. OKUMURA Tsurukichi 奥村鶴吉 1881-1959 / Dental surgeon.
5. SAKAI Yunosuke 酒井祐之助 1874-1935 / Architect.
6. IMADATE Tosui 今立吐酔 1855-1931 / Principal of the school, etc.
7. ITO Jujiro 伊藤重治郎 1878-1964 Professor of Waseda University 早稲田大学.
8. SUGIURA Teijiro 杉浦貞二郎 1870-1947 / Ex-theologian, professor of the Military College. https://kotobank.jp/word/%E6%9D%89%E6%B5%A6%E8%B2%9E%E4%BA%8C%E9%83%8E-83506
9. TATEISHI Sajiro 立石佐次郎 / Trader.
10. TAKAKI Kanehiro 高木兼寛 1849-1920 / Naval physician. Created Baron in 1905. Founded the Sei I Kwai medical society [成医会] in 1881.
http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015066635783;view=1up;seq=551 |
11. Rev. Allen Klein Faust アレン・リライン・ファウスト 1869-1953 / Missionary and educator of Reformed Church in the United States. The sixth president of Miyagi College [現・宮城学院女子大学], Sendai.
Obituary : The Japan Christian Year Book 1956, p.43. (https://archive.org/stream/japanchristian45unknuoft#page/42/mode/2up)
12. Rev. MOTODA Joseph Sakunoshin 元田作之進 1862-1928 / Anglican priest, first Japanese bishop of Nippon Sei Ko Kwai [日本聖公会 Anglican Church in Japan], first president of Rikkyo University 立教大学.
13. OZAKI Marezo 尾崎稀三 / Dentist.
14. TAKAGI Ryukichi 高木隆吉 1886-1962 / Businessman. 三井銀行ニューヨーク支店長, 鐘紡取締役を歴任。逝去時は鐘淵デイゼル会長。
OZAKI & TAKAGI are found on
Tokyo Telephone Directory 1942.
*Special thanks for 中井けやきさん けやきのブログⅡ 2009年11月 3日 (火) ペンシルバニア大学、明治日本の「同窓会名簿」
[ Other Alumni ]
- Dr. SAEKI Ri'ichiro, 佐伯理一郎 (1862–1953) 佐伯病院(京都)の院長. 組合教会・同志社教会信徒
- Dr. Herbert E. Bowles (1900-1993), son of Gilbert Bowles (1869-1960) and Minnie Pickett Bowles (1868-1958), Quaker missionaries who worked in Japan. Surgeon of St. Luke's Hospital. He later settled and had a practice in Honolulu, Hawaii. (http://dla.library.upenn.edu/dla/pacscl/ead.html?id=PACSCL_HAVERFORD_USPHCHCColl1212)
Thanks for the those prepared the original data on the net.
Last updated 10 Feb. 2015
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