
Bibliography 1


First of all, the editor would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the following libraries on the net.
Without them, I must have researched much smaller things.

Also I express my gratitude to these libraries in Japan.

List of references 1,

including Abbreviated References used on this blog

[ Directory, Year Book and Who's Who ]

Directory :
The Directory & Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, &c.
Hongkong: The Hongkong Daily Press Office, 1874- 

The Japan Christian Year Book, 1903-1970, except 1942-49, 1952, 1969.
[in English, for missionaries working in Japan, Korea and Taiwan]
Other titles:
  • The Christian Movement in its Relations to the New Life in Japan, published for the standing committee of co-operating Christian mission, Yokohama: The Fukuin Printing, 1903 [the first issue]
  • The Christian Movement in Japan, published for the Conference of Federated Missions, Tokyo: The Kyobunkwan, 1910
  • The Christian Movement in the Japanese Empire including Korea and Formosa, A Year Book for 1919, Seventeenth Annual issue, published for the Conference of Federated Missions, Japan, 1919 
  • The Japan Christian Year Book continuing the Japan Mission Year Book being the thirtieth issue of The Christian Movement in Japan and Formosa, issued by the Federation of Christian Missions in Japan, Tokyo: Kyobunkwan, 1932

日本基督教会同盟 編『基督教年鑑』
東京:日本基督教興文協会, 1916-1941
The Christian Year Book [in Japanese, for Japanese Christians mainly of Protestant churches]

Who's Who in the Far East 1906-7, June.
Hongkong: China Mail, 1906

[ Periodicals published by Society of Friends (Quakers) ]

Friend :
The Friend: A Religious and Literary Journal. Philadelphia
Philadelphia: John Richardson, [1827-1955]

BriFriend :
The British Friend: : A Monthly Journal, Chiefly Devoted the Interests of the Society of Friends.
Glasgow: Robert Smeal / James G. Smeal etc., [1845-1913]

[ Other books by contemporaries or families in English ]

William Gray Dixon,
The Land of the Morning : an Account of Japan and its People
Edinburgh: James Gemmell, 1882.
A Scotsman Dixon spent time in Japan from 1876 to 1880, became one of acquaintances of the Whitney family. Chapter XV (Christianity in Japan) includes about Mr Katsu 勝安房 and the family.
About the author, see http://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/tei-Cyc02Cycl-t1-body1-d1-d23-d39.html

Frances Anne Budge,
Isaac Sharp : an Apostle of the Nineteenth Century
London : Headley Brothers, 1898.
About a Quaker missionary Isaac Sharp (1806-1897), see http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Sharp,_Isaac_(DNB01)
He visited Japan in 1892.

Anna Braithwaite Thomas,
Richard H. Thomas, M. D. : Life and Letters. By his wife.
Philadelphia : J. C. Winston Co., 1905.
The author was sister of Mary Caroline Whitney.

H. P. Morris [1854-1931],
Glimpses of the Life of Samuel Morris by His Daughter.
Privately Printed, Philadelphia, 1907
Reprinted from The Friend, published in Philadelphia, 1906-07.
Morris visited Japan with Jonathan E. Rhoads in 1892.

[Main Author: Anna Braithwaite Thomas],
J. Bevan Braithwaite, a Friend of the Nineteenth Century. By his children.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1909.

M. A. Marriage Allen [Mary Ann Marriage Allen, 1836-1923],
Simple Sketches of Christian Work and Travel
London : Headley Brothers, [1910].
Mrs Allen was a British Quaker who visited Japan in 1890 and 1892.

Last updated 25 Jan. 2015

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